

復刻版『波動の法則』『真 地球の歴史』の出版を機して


Around the time of publishing the reprint of “Law of Undulation” “The True History of Earth”, Mr. Adachi made this speech.
This is about 28 minutes of excerpted video of a recorded speech at the Tokyo Hibiya Public Hall in 2010

English Translation

Hello everyone. My name is Ikuro Adachi of IFUE.

The book “Law of Undulation” – this is something that you need to learn through experience, it is extremely difficult to verify by modern science.

I have learned much and received new information through my experience. What is important to receive accurate information? This has been a learning experience from the beginning. The method of receiving accurate information can only be achieved by taking action and experiencing it for oneself. Prior to fully experiencing this way of learning, I vaguely accepted this approach.

Over ten years later, I can now inform you with confidence of the following. How important it is for our Earth to take action based on accordance with the law of nature. This cannot be implemented by existing organizations, politics or economics. It can be implement based on the law of nature which is accomplished only by the individual. As I stated in my book, Law of Undulation, all essence – what I call EXA PIECO*
1(a cosmic language) as something that exists in all things.

The Universe consists of EXA PIECO. EXA PIECO consists of consciousness and volition and therefore the universe (time & space, and beyond) consists of consciousness and volition. This information, regarding EXA PIECO, that I became aware of 20 years ago has, not at all changed. However, the insight from this information is becoming more and more accurate. And I have been continuing to deepen my learning of the structure of the universe.

Therefore, in the beginning, it was not so accurate. But it is true that gradually over the years, it became more accurate, no right or wrong here. Of course there were many misunderstandings or guessing from not using intuition. I made many mistakes too.

Acting in harmony with nature is totally different from conducting experiments. Experiment is driven by human ego. Human desire is there in the background. As we substitute our own direct learning and attempt to avoid our personal hardship and pain we in fact hurt ourselves and the universe as we use animals, plants and microorganisms for our experiments.

We receive information from the future if we determine and act in harmonious direction with the law of nature. Our culture and modern science research is based on the premise that we cannot receive future information. Certainly modern science’s ability to analyze and confirm past facts remains true. The same for the present. The modern science research method is therefore an approach that is based on verifying what has occurred, what is observable.

From these observations, science makes its presumptions and reasoning. Therefore, in order to confirm, science first needs to have significant amounts of data obtained through experimentation. Then, it can make its observations, confirm its presumptions and settle upon its reasoning.

It is the same in all areas, not just for science. The structure of the universe is that future information can be received. Information of the present and past can be received as well.

I have also informed you that illness is a message. At that time, I simply reported to you the information that I received. Therefore, I did not report this with my actual experience of being ill. I have repeatedly reported information that I receive intuitionally, not guessing or understanding, simply sharing what I intuitionally received.

The key is to continuously use your intuition in your everyday life. By doing so, you will realize it is impossible to move toward the harmonious direction of the law of nature unless you use intuition. You can only experience this if you use your intuition on a daily basis.

In short, you should receive information by intuition, not by guessing and reasoning. Tackle the essence of the universe squarely. Receive information by intuition. If you don't stick with this attitude you will connect with your ego and desire and diverge from the EXA PIECO. It will then be difficult to know that you have strayed. Facing EXA PIECO directly is the best attitude. Over 7 billion people on earth have imperceptibly lost track of this and therefore why we were born and why we live. We spend our time doing part time, temporary or full time work and other endeavors. Living life seriously while being sensitive to our intuition will lead to understanding the meaning of why we are we born and why we are living. One must clearly become aware of this and act accordingly in everyday life.

The meaning of evolution is that EXA PIECO programs by the law of nature towards a more harmonious existence. For example for humans, EXA PIECO programs how we should be born into human form. With this program, one will be born as a human. Your EXA PIECO gets permission from a male EXA PIECO and female EXA PIECO (your parents’EXA PIECO ) who are in the world, the 3rd dimension. If they agree to have you as a child, you will be born and learn together as a family. This is, without logic, the result of the system of the universe for the first time your existence is as a human.

Even if you have never met your father or mother for some reason, in other words when you grow big enough to realize the absence of your parents, your existence itself is the result of your father and mother’s EXA PIECO’s agreement. You won't exist if there are no parents in the 3rd dimension. Your existence itself is your appreciation to your parents untill you die.

This is the structure of nature itself. You are here because of your father and mother’s existence. Your father and mother’s existence is because of their father and mother – your grandparents. This is irreplaceable regarding the structure of the universe. If we lose this awareness, why are we born and why are we here, EXA PIECO determines what kind of theme we are to learn in this life. EXA PIECO programs the body and temporarily inhabits the body for which it is programmed. Your body was programmed by your EXA PIECO. When this takes place, you do not have a consciousness at this time. Your consciousness comes after you are born. After you are born, you gradually gain consciousness with help of your parents. In short, humans don't have consciousness at the time of birth. There is only existence by accepting the structure of the universe. We must accept 100% of oneself. If you do so and use intuition, your consciousness will synchronize with your EXA PIECO. This is the origin.

Everyone can understand this. So, appreciate your parents and family. But EXA PIECO, which is the structure of nature itself cannot evolve by understanding. Becoming aware happens without reason. This is completely different from understanding. Gaining awareness happens without reason. This reaches your EXA PIECO. EXA PIECO cannot learn unless your consciousness and EXA PIECO synchronize at the same level. Our consciousness willfully thinks that we are learning and growing. We create our culture this way. However, if our EXA PIECO cannot grow, EXA PIECO cannot evolve. We are technically evolving our technology at our convenience to satisfy our ego and desire. This is progress but as a human, we are degenerated.

We have consciousness and volition. If our consciousness takes place in a harmonious direction under the law of nature, obediently and honestly, toward your origin of why you are we born and why you live, and determine yourself to do so, from this day and moment, things start to change. The law of nature is so. It's not other people’s problems. It is our own problems.

It’s not right or wrong. It’s not win or lose either. The structure of the universe will proceed by our own consciousness and volition. We are choosing everything by ourselves. With this choice, when at this moment you determine, things start changing. The change is already prepared by the universe. From this point, your vibration will change.

Ego culture, everything is about other people’s problems, problems of society, problems of organization but not my problems. Blaming others is the ego culture. We substitute – for plants, animals, other things to experiment. Is there anyone who is born as a trial? There is no existence like this. Our culture develops tools that are convenient for us – more and faster - by expanding our ego and desires. This ego and our desires expand among over 7billion people causing competition. There is no such system in the universe – no “faster and more”. Humans of ego planet are expanding this consciousness and volition.

Unless you become aware why you are we born and why you live, you are only living the life that is convenient for you. The structure of nature is all that exists and there is a natural rhythm of the ecological system. There is no substitute.

We are born rich or poor; very healthy, or sickly or physically handicapped. They are all programmed by EXA PIECO. We all experience and learn one by one the structure of the universe.

The method of communication and cooperation by EXA PIECO varies. Ways of interaction between EXA PIECO are different according to the situation. For example, themes of learning the structure of nature are very similar among the same family. EXA PIECO programs to form the family to learn similar or common themes.

EXA PIECO programs themes, then asks permission to male and female EXA PIECO who are in the 3rd dimension, to form a family to experience and learn. When it is accepted, a child will be born under those parents. There are two different situations. One is to be born as a child and other is to play a role as a father and a mother. The themes are not equal but very similar. The baby will support its parents’EXA PIECO from the time of the fetus. The fetus sends a message to become aware of certain things. Please support me until I grow big enough to take a role as a human in this culture. The universe consists of cooperation between the system of the universe and reality. In the family, EXA PIECO is usually not that familiar. EXA PIECO usually met each other 2-3 times in the past. Your EXA PIECO met your grandfather and grandmother and great grandparents more than “two digit” numbers in the past. Your EXA PIECO’s relationship with your grandparents or great grandparents are closer and that makes it easier for them to communicate versus you and your parents. This is provided in the law of nature.

Your family, the family you establish, your parents’ family – your parents’ brothers and sisters, EXA PIECO usually met in the past 2-3 times. The reason is that if your EXA PIECO is very close to that of your family, you can read each other’s mind. This creates less opportunity to learn and experience.

When you learn and experience according to the structure of the universe you learn by endurance, even when receiving hard messages. This is completely different from resisting. If you resist, a feeling of revenge will be born. To resist means to fulfill your ego. It is completely different from Endurance. Therefore an important element is to learn with the family - it is prepared by the structure of nature. Humans have family in ego culture. There is no country or ethnicity that doesn’t have family.

In other words, it is impossible for you to learn why we are born and why we live without the existence of your father and mother. Without their existence, you don't exist. To become aware of this is the starting point. Especially under more ego culture. It is very difficult to experience and learn true love without considering the pros and cons of your situation in such a competitive society. Therefore, the family is prepared by the structure of nature to learn unconditional love.

We are fortunate for the structure of nature. Really there are deep and great care in the structure of nature. We learn and experience unconditional love through our family. Then realize that we cannot live with just family. The next step is to share, to give it back to our society. By sharing with each other and with the energy of vibration and vibration of matter, we can experience, learn and evolve. The basic of ego culture is to normalize energies with each other as true FALF*
(energy normalizer). There will be painful experiences and messages in the law of nature while experiencing and learning under the family structure. If you cannot receive messages within your family, there exist a few EXA PIECO who are close to yours as friends, colleagues, bosses, juniors or teachers etc.

The structure of nature is to become aware and discover, it is not to understand. It is a matter of expediency to understand during the stage of learning. Although it may be a great expediency, this is not the system of the universe. The system of the universe means to become aware. Awareness, discovery and action according to the structure of nature aligns consciousness and EXA PIECO. This makes EXA PIECO learn.

The structure of nature arises from vibration – everything oscillates and happens through these repetitive vibrations. Your oscillation synchronizes with other things in the universe. You synchronize with organizations, animals or plants, etc. We experience and learn by synchronizing and meeting - then phenomenon occurs. If you do not oscillate, you never meet phenomenon. This is the structure of nature. It is the same as TV. If you want to watch channel 3 and you press channel 4, you can never watch channel 3.

Information regarding time & space and beyond is accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. However, if you don't clearly become aware of why you are born and why we live, and then determine yourself and take action in everyday life, true practical application cannot be applied. Harmony according to the structure of nature means harmony to all. Harmony to all that exist. In other words, It is a major premise that in any case, the system of the universe is to harmonize all that exists.

Vibration of love, unless it’s harmonized, is dangerous. Love cannot be expressed thoughtlessly.

Therefore, the goal is to take action according to how much your consciousness can accept honestly and humbly. I think it is a very important turning point that this decision must be made by each person, of all people, of the 7 billion on earth.

I hope today will be your turning point to determine and take action. You will change by your determination today. Please take action.

Start by using your intuition with simple things that you can be responsible for. Use intuition when you select something. Use your intuition, not your consciousness. Do not be afraid to be wrong. When you buy something at a supermarket or bookstore, don't look inside but pick intuitionally. By doing this repeatedly your intuition, within your responsibility, will accumulate and your intuition in more important situations, even life-threatening matters, will yield a wonderful result. It is impossible to understand this, practice yourself.

Please practice starting today.

Thank you everyone for listening to my lengthy discussion.

  According to the understandings of present planet Earth's cultural level, which is based on modern science, EXA PIECO is “Consciousness”and ”Volition”of Essence. All beings including animals, plants and mineral possess being's essence, EXA PIECO, which is a collection of atomic nuclei. EXA PIECO chooses the form such as human body, animals, plants and mineral in order to experience, learn and become aware of the working of nature and to evolve continuously. EXA PIECO programs and produces FIK and DIKAG.
(Please refer to THE LAW of Undulation by Ikuro Adachi)

   FALF is all existence such as an object, device, music, mineral, including human beings that enhance energy, vitalizing and reviving each other towards the direction of harmonized Consciousness and Volition in space and time. FALF restores harmonious vibrations and helps things return to the state which is in accordance with Consciousness and Volition in space and time.
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